The Business Legal Lifecycle Book (Australian Edition)


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About The Book

Whether you want to have a large company or a small lifestyle business, you must pay attention to the legal aspects right from the start. If you don’t take care of your legal obligations and plan for the inevitable problems that will surface, you will be exposing yourself to strain, stress, loss of business and, potentially, bankruptcy.

The Business Legal Lifecycle is a handbook for you to use in your business on a regular basis. The book will guide and empower you with the knowledge you need to successfully navigate your business journey.

The key areas that Jeremy Streten covers in the Business Legal Lifecycle are:

How to successfully set up your business

If you are a startup business owner then, first of all, congratulations! Second, you need to ensure that your business is set up correctly to protect you in the future. For the sake of spending a few extra dollars in the startup phase of your business, doing it right from the beginning will save you thousands of dollars in the future. This book sets out the procedures that you need to follow to set up a business properly, taking a commercial view of that process.

Who you should consult with along your business journey

If you are a startup business owner then, first of all, congratulations! Second, you need to ensure that your business is set up correctly to protect you in the future. For the sake of spending a few extra dollars in the startup phase of your business, doing it right from the beginning will save you thousands of dollars in the future. This book sets out the procedures that you need to follow to set up a business properly, taking a commercial view of that process.

How to prepare for the end of your business

All business eventually come to an end and need to be sold. Often business owners have no idea how to set up their business to be sold in the future and what to do when the business finishes. The Business Legal Lifecycle will answer those very questions and help you to plan the future of your business. One of the main purposes of the book is to give business owners a plan to build their business into a saleable asset so that it can be sold when the time is right.

Act now and get ready to build a successful business – today!

Other Editions of The Book

Book Us Ed
The Business Legal Lifecycle Book (US Edition)

The Business Legal Lifecycle is a handbook for you to use in your business on a regular basis. The book will guide and empower you with the knowledge you need to successfully navigate your business journey.

Book Uk Ed
The Business Legal Lifecycle Book (UK Edition)

The Business Legal Lifecycle is a handbook for you to use in your business on a regular basis. The book will guide and empower you with the knowledge you need to successfully navigate your business journey.

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