213 – 3 Things You Need Before Filing A Trademark

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Show Notes

We want to focus on trademarks today. Here is what you need to know to actually register your trademark. Trademark is a term that gets thrown around quite a lot. Here are the 3 things you need to get your ™ registered!

Unique Name
It’s becoming harder and harder to register trademarks. With the advent of the internet, information is very easily accessible. It’s very easy to do a Google search and realize someone else has already trademarked your name. Having a unique name is becoming harder and harder to register. So it really has to be unique. You can’t have other businesses within Australia actually having that name. So if you do have a really unique name, then trademark it!

This is your symbol you’ve come up with for your business. It’s important if you have a symbol that you can register as a trademark. This is an actual symbol that you’ve come up with for your business and you’re able to trademark that provided you meet the criteria.

There are 45 different classes of trademarks. What you can do is you register your trademark in the classes that apply to your product to service. You’ve got to pick the right category! This is really where you need to get advice to make sure that you’re registering your trademark for all the right classes. And that’s really what you’re protecting. So what you need to register a trademark is a unique name, or unique symbol and knowing what categories or classes you want to register it in.

More about this Show

We started Business Legal Lifecycle to create a simple way for you to understand complex legal terms.  Most importantly we want to help you to develop a plan to take your business successfully into the future.  There’s a startling statistic the underscores the importance of developing a solid plan.  The majority of business owners are just seven months away from losing everything.  A single aspect of your business that is not set-up correctly can shut down your whole operation very quickly.   Legal advice is not cheap and even when you can afford it there is often a divide between lawyers and their clients.  We want to close that gap once and for all.  We want to put legal knowledge and tools into your hand to prevent the worst from happening to you.

Twice a week we are going to deliver those tools right to your home or office with Business Legal Lifecycle TV.  We’ll start the week with Fast Fix Monday, a short 5-10 minute video that will tackle a single issue that businesses have to deal with.  Then on Wednesday’s our main show will feature with more fulsome discussions and interviews all delivered in a straightforward and easy to understand format.

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